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Raquel Turner, Hailey Ryan, Sylvie Epstein, Eduardo Espinosa
Blue Notes, November 2020
On the inflatable rat, dining alone, student voter turnout, and the politics of Zoom names. By Raquel Turner, Hailey Ryan, Sylvie Epstein...

Kat Chen
Wait, Just One Question: Happiness – PART 1
The first installment of a graphic series detailing interviews with Columbia’s spiritual advisors on the definition of happiness. By Kat...

Benjamine Mo
Joon Baek
By Benjamine Mo Ours is a community of change. As our institution contends with the existential threats of disease and dispersal, student...

Jaden Jarmel-Schneider
Uwade Akhere
By Jaden Jarmel-Schneider Uwade Akhere, CC ‘21, launched her singing career at a ’70s themed fifth-grade talent show. She’d grown up in...

Sam Needleman
Letter From the Editor, November 2020
By Sam Needleman Bereft of cohesion, and hardly expecting any looming events to provide it, our editors chose to bind this issue of The...

Hailey Ryan
In Which Our Hero Takes a Gap Semester
Well, this just won’t do, thought Verily as he opened President Bollinger’s infamously verbose, oft-lampooned email announcing the complete

Dominy Gallo
Doodling Dissent
Sergio Peçanha on visual storytelling, journalism in the Trump era, and keeping your head up in the face of absurdity.

Sophie Poole
The Neurons of Novels
It was a Thursday morning in September and, like any self-respecting undergraduate woefully majoring in English, I opened The New Yorker app

Elizabeth Jackson
The Climate Fight’s New Stronghold
Attentive observers recognize that climate change impacts and is impacted by everything we do—from the food we eat to the energy we consume

Annelie Hyatt
Commonplace Resilience
The sun consumes the streets, rescuing the asphalt from the burgeoning October chill.

Nicole Kohut and Michael Colton
Was That Good for You (the Sex)?
I always knew I’d lose my virginity in college.

Nicole Kohut and Claire Schweitzer
The Antiquation of Antiquity
While the Core Curriculum may advertise itself as the immovable benchmark of the Columbia experience, it has yielded to widespread pedagogic

Dominy Gallo
Tradition and Transgression
I face the blank page this evening, not with the usual feeling of joyful, mildly overconfident abandon I have grown so accustomed to

Judy Xie
Out of Focus Calendar
I began the day by trying to unvisit it or yesterday or the weeks that came before it.

Cy Gilman
To Kill a Marching Band
The stories we tell about The Cleverest Band in the World and the stories it tells about itself.

Sophie Poole
Sophia Houdaigui
In April, Sophia Houdaigui, BC ‘21, implemented the online ordering system for her family’s bakery in Arlington, Virginia.
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