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George Murphy
By George Murphy I can only write to you at night, Yana. You only feel real in these early-morning moments, when city lights glint...
The Blue and White Magazine
Mother's Birthday
By Renny Gong It’s my mother’s birthday. I call her to say, I’m gonna dress like a slut tonight. We switch to FaceTime so I can show her...
Avery Reed
Teeth and Zoology: A Fable
By Avery Reed Auburn, New York, 2022 It’s Sunday afternoon and you’re knitting again. The oxygen machine whirs and you swat the air as a...
Henry Astor
The Pit
By Henry Astor “The greatest crime in the world is not developing your potential.” – Roger Williams. Or so read the etching on the facade...
Lynnette Widder
By Lynnette Widder 23. He is at a table beneath the fruit trees: the wind lifts, and pink petals sheet towards the crushed stone ground....
Sadie Wade-Stein
The Hunt
By Sadie Wade-Stein Trigger warning: the following contains references to domestic violence and assault. Tom is smoking L&Ms with his...
Miriam Lewis Mason
Towards One Place, From Another
By Miriam Lewis Mason Doors open. Crowd flows into the open space, just hydrodynamics. Bodies forced together in a poorly made puzzle,...
The Blue and White Magazine
The Shortcut
Anonymous Love Letter III Dear Mom, I went to the little cafe yesterday with Anna to do some work. It was rainy and cold and the...
Margaret Connor
The T Train
By Margaret Connor Joe Orton makes it sound so easy, and Laud Humphreys makes it sound normal, but in the time the man’s been standing in...
Margaret Connor
Couch Surfing
By Margaret Connor Buying a new couch was easy—minivan, bribe, lookout, you get the idea. The trouble came when I wanted to get rid of...
Miska Lewis
Excerpt from “Manifestations”
By Miska Lewis Sometimes home reminded me of a classroom. It wasn’t that I got sleepy the moment I entered, or that there were rows and...
Lara Smith
Beginner Astronomy
By Lara Smith The first time I see a sky full of stars (and I mean real stars) I am around eight years old and visiting my grandparents...
Owen Park
My Brother’s Green Grass
My older brother’s son had been missing six years when he decided to move to Los Angeles in a U-Haul with its roll-up door tied down to...
Owen Park
What I Just Found Out
This morning, I was finishing the uptown leg of the bike loop around Central Park, delivered by that winding final curve. All downhill...
Daniel Reiser
I’ll Be Around
By Daniel Reiser When I met Ayesha outside the Chinese restaurant I had to lean against a tree to stay still. It had been about a month...
Sophie Paquette
By Sophie Paquette. I only know Lou in the way we’ve all always known her. A breath against the backs of our necks, the swish of a skirt...
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